oday I experienced something so sweet and marvelous, so amazing and out of the ordinary. i scheduled a facial at the same healing place where i receive massage therapy and reflexology. the women with whom i have interacted thus far have been outstanding. so, i came with expectations of a good service, yet with some hesitation, feeling somewhat vulnerable at the appearance of my skin. afterall, i am celebrating 64 years of life in november, and i do minimal skin care routine. nevertheless, i forged ahead and met with a very talented and special young woman. for sixty minutes, she ministered tenderly to my thirsty skin cells. the room wass beautifully decorated, comfortable and cozy. the "table" where i lay felt like a cloud, being hugged by warm, soft, fluffy yumminess. while i was there, i completely forgot the condition of my skin. i forgot about my weight issues, body issues, hair issues, insecurities, trauma history, loneliness, etc. i was touched and massaged in such a way that i was completely lost in sensations of fresh, creamy, clean, fragrant lotions and toners. in that moment time stopped, financial concerns went out the window, politics and current events were silenced. i dove into the healing waters that were present and immediately available. i was floating and flowing in an ocean of amber tones, scented in chocolate, rose, lavender, cassia, helichrysum, patchouli, and every aroma that elicits a soothing emotion.the rest of the day i felt like i was glowing, and i probably did. i nourished my soul with meditation and sacred reading. i respected my hunger and cooked an amazing concoction of asian noodles that fueled the body, mind, and soul. i even indulged in some television viewing, just enough to be entertained while i experimented with a new crochet stitch. i know, i cannot just sit there and watch tv. my hands have to be engaged in some form of creative expresion. i love that about myself.
Later i found the quotes below as i was reading some articles on wellbeing and self-care.
today i found a form of self-care that allowed for ministration to the body. today i engaged in an energy exchange with a like-minded individual who truly understands the need for intimate relationships among humans, especially among women. we need to learn to minister to one another. we need to learn to care for one another; to cherish and nourish each other; to encourage and support one another, to touch with wisdom, love, and hope.
i am convinced that...