Wednesday, July 13, 2022

small victories and more

 This was a week ago:

guess what??? 

no, you don't need to guess, i'm about to tell you.

i forgot to weigh myself this morning when i woke up.


that's right. today, for the first time in forever, i did not weigh myself. that would have been completely outside the realm of possibilities a few weeks ago. i did not realize it until i already had coffee in my system. i don't know if this will be a definite shift, yet i count it a victory. every little detail counts.

also, a few weeks ago we began an online bible study on the book of revelation. yes, THAT revelation. so, i've decided to resist the temptation of delving into the book from an end-of-days/eschatological/rapture theory perspective. instead, i want to address the title of the book, "the revelation of Jesus Christ", and explore the ways in which Jesus the Christ is revealed in these visions and declarations.

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