Saturday, September 2, 2023


last weekend, aug 25-27, I witnessed something AMAZING, indeed miraculous!! Seven women showed up for a divinely appointed sacred moment of renewal, re-birth, raising awareness, and launching of a new movement. we came together, flowed together, moved at our own pace, yet we moved as a unit. we cried, we laughed, we ate, we meditated, we wrote, we danced, we heard, and we listened. we told our stories and found common ground in our uniqueness and individuality.

i asked these gorgeous women, reflections of the image of God, to share some insights as well. so, in their words...

"At our retreats, you’ll find a community of supportive like-minded people who are all working towards personal growth and healing. This  group was no different. The energy and connection was authentic, and the support they showed each other was truly heartwarming. I am honored to have been a part of their journey.

One of the most profound moments of the retreat was when one of the guests shared that the group represented the kingdom of God. Whoa, such a powerful statement. Despite our diverse beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences, we came together as one community, united in our shared quest for healing, growth, and community. It served as a reminder that we are all connected, and that there is a unifying force that binds us all together."

"the broken pieces in/of my life will always be part of my life. they will always be memorials of my mistakes/errors/horrors that should not be repeated. They will always be memorials of lessons that should not be forgotten."

The Elements of Life

by Susanne Munn

The wind is like a DJ

making treetops dance

as flowers do a group routine

in their shamanic trance.

The birds are my alarm clock,

chirping is their beep.

A natural choice to help me wake

each morning after sleep.

The ocean is an old friend

Each wave says hello.

Pulling back when needed

but approaching to and fro.

Fire is my purpose

burning deep within my heart.

Turn up the heat, shine the light

expose it from the dark.

random thought: Interestingly enough it was also the anniversary of the beginning of the "moravian pentecost, a prayer meeting that lasted 100 years.

1 comment:

  1. It was healing and revitalizing indeed. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥❤️


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