Wednesday, April 7, 2021

test run...

i have not done this in a while. i'm not sure what all i'm going to include here. i was encouraged to share and publish this latest chapter in my healing journey.

i don't know how many sixty-one year olds are struggling with bingeing and purging, but i know that i am. i am not sure why, but this morning as i read and meditate, several thoughts come up:
  • many women are struggling with pre/post menopausal weight gain;
  • many young women who are struggling with eating disorders today will someday find themselves in this scenario again - facing the fear of the number on the scale, the fear of weight gain, the fear of...
i am slowly working through all these fears, emotions, pain, angst, etc, and i am willing to go through it because i know that with God there is always a purpose and a benefit. someone always comes after us that will benefit from the collective wisdom of our pain.

i want to open this page in the hope that it will provide an outlet for me to explore, share, learn, dig deep, collect stories, and find out whether there is life after...

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