Monday, January 29, 2024

i can be...

 i can be...

... a chameleon. it reminds me of mika's song "grace kelly" and all the tik-tok great iterations. "i can be brown, i can be blue, i can be violet sky, i can be hurtful, i can be purple... i can be anything you like..."

yes, i can be a straight A student in one subject. i can flunk out of a simple math class. i can read "innumeracy", and the following week read "kiss of the spider woman". i can be completely enamored of Julian of Norwich's contemplative living arragement. i can be completely comfortable walking confidently down the streets of the Lower East Side. i can drive across the US and commute across any  busy city street. i can be "gracefully broken" and i can "dance like nobody is watching". i can be ecstatic in silencio, and i can be enraptured by carmina burana o fortuna.

oh, i can be... so many paradoxes, and i am not done being done yet. 

these days you can find me practicing lectio divina as well as 26x2 yoga. i can flow from home therapy with a 2 year old to an end of life consultation providing language and cultural assistance. i can be totally happy crocheting a blanket while watching something silly on tv. you can catch walking the perimeter of the apartment complex doing prayer rounds. i keep praying/hoping that one day there will be prayer missionaries all along every street on Hampton Roads. in the meantime, i keep walking and praying. it is simple, uncomplicated, and free. seriously, if you need a prayer partner, just ask. send your prayer requests to


my absolute favorite place to be is at the feet of Adonai. i fall down in absolute adoration and gratitude. it is the place where i am at peace and i live in joy. time seems to stop and i am enveloped by sweet warm aroma that permeates the space. i am no longer sad, no longer hungry nor thirsty. i am totally satiated. i am not in pain and i am not comparing my self to anyone else's. in this space i am one with Beloved Adonai and i am one with all others who tabernacle here.

turn the page

Another day, another turn of the page of this chapter in the series of chapters I call my life. This one does not seem to be particularly ev...