I have often posted about my less than positive relationships, especially with my family. I have read. I have prayed. I have talked. I have crocheted. I have cried. I have fought. What haven't i done? Then, I surrendered. I chose to accept and respect their decisions. I also chose to draw certain boundaries for good measure. And then, God happened! He intervened in spectacular fashion, as He always does. Today I can report that relationships have been restored. Compassion, forgiveness, and love abound. Communication is much better. Nevertheless, the boundaries are still in place. We can love one another without imposing judgmental values on each other. We can support each other while respecting distances.
This last series of events prompt me to conclude that God answers the prayers of a humble heart. When I was finally exhausted, and the last ounce of pride had been wrung out of me, God "showed up". Or did He?
Does God play dice with the universe? Does God play "dolls" with His creation? Does God play "hide-n-seek"? Sometimes my immature and selfish soul believes this. I get myself into situations that are difficult to maneuver and my first instinct is to play the blame game. Somebody has to be blamed, God, the universe, karma. I am not saying that God, the universe, or karma are the same thing. That's a topic for another post. All I'm saying is that when life gets complicated, it is easier to blame someone rather than take ownership for my own messes.
Once again, a specific situation shows me an object lesson. GOD DOES NOT PLAY HIDE AND SEEK! Through all the tears, all the prayers, all the counseling, He was there. He was constant, present, waiting for me to acknowledge His presence. Just as He wept with Martha and Mary, He wept with me. Just as He was moved to compassion for the woman who dared to touch the hem of his robe, and the anointing flowed from Him. His grace was poured over me. And, just as He forgave the woman who was brought to Him for judgment, He forgave me. He patiently waited for me to come out of my hiding place. He was standing there, and still is, with arms wide open waiting for me, and you, to walk into the embrace.
I want to thank all of you who continually and lovingly walk this path with me. Thank you for all the encouragement, the wisdom, and kindness you extend in my direction. You are so precious to me. Let's keep going!