freaky freeflow friday
i know my posts are mostly diatribes and emotional rants, BUT today at this very moment i'm feeling good.
this morning i started out with hot yoga, 26&2, THE original hot yoga, good for your heart, your internal organs, your joints, work every muscle group yoga. this moving meditation is more my speed. i know it's not for everybody but i LOVE it.
i'vehad such good instructors, who have worked, molded, and encouraged me to move to the best of my abilities, to move as slow as i need, and go as deep as my body can. now, i follow the guidance/teaching of Ginny at Yoga Rx, a compassionate and highly empathic soul. If you are in the 757 area and you want to experience a practice that goes above and beyond, come to this studio, everytime i go to class, my inner child - Gaby from "Vivo", sings and encourages me to march, dance, and move to the beat of my own drum. i am really grateful and surprised to see what my body can do, at this weight and age. how many of you can say that they absolutely love to work out? i do, i do, i do
Oh, oh, oh... i saw something funny yesterday. picture this, a really nice tesla car... now put this color combination together, OD green, you know like the old army uniforms, and pearlescence!!! Yup, yup, it's like throwing glitter on baby poop... ROTFLMBO... oh, i crack myself up
let's see.. what else? my younger son came to hot yoga with me this morning. i'm so proud of him. it was his first class and he did very well. he stayed in the studio. he did not go running out the door, tongue hanging out, ripping his clothes off, looking for the nearest water source. he did not pass out. he started and finished with the rest of the class. woooohooooo!
a few minutes ago i had a phone call with a cousin who went to Costco to have breakfast, LOL. as we are on a video call she's going by the different vendors having coffee, bread, coconut nibs, and i don't know what else... oh good Lord, she cracks me up!
i just looked at my phone and there was a sweet message from a dear sister that blessed me and reminded me of the hymn "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms", by Hoffman and Showalter. now the tune is stuck in my head and i want to share that with you. if you know it, sing it. if you don't, just read the lyrics. all together now...
and there you go, we just had church, just like that
and now for more yoga irreverence....